Saturday, January 06, 2007


6 Jan

Run: 8.4 mi
Run--Today had to be the most beautiful day in all of the earth's history. I can't believe it was 70+ degrees today, in January no less! I ran 1.7 WU, 3 mi tempo, then 3.7 cool. That completely horrible stomach cramp came back in full force during this run. It subsided a bit, but it never fully went away (until just a few minutes ago). Some splits are slower because everyone and their mom was out on the Capital Crescent Trail since it was so nice. Avg pace for tempo was 7:15, right on the money.

Home to Capital Crescent Trail (1.7 mi) 16:46
3.5-4.0 (mile marker), 3:29
4.0-4.5, 3:40
4.5-5.0, 3:38
5.0-5.5, 3:32
5.5-5.0, 3:44
5.0-4.5, 3:43
4.5 mile marker to home (3.7 mi), 31:43

Saturdays--Oh man, do I love Saturdays. Here's how my Saturdays typically go:
-Wake up sans alarm clock, and just lay there for a bit
-Get ready to shul, *eat breakfast
-Walk to shul, enjoy services (lein Torah every so often)
-Schmooze in the social hall
-Study with the 'grown-ups' in the Pirkei Avot class
-Walk home
-Run throughout streets of Bethesda and DC
-Study Torah
-Shabbat ends at sunset! It's beautiful!

(*I know, I know, you're not really supposed to eat much before Shacharit. But I would much rather eat something substantial and enjoy my davening and community time rather than arrive at the middle of the Torah service absolutely ravenous. I think the rabbis would agree!)

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