Sunday, July 26, 2009

Work 1, Steph 0

28 Apr: CrossFit, 150 burpees in 12:32
29 Apr: Rest
30 Apr: Soccer practice
1 May: Rest
2 May: CrossFit, 10, 9...1 cleans/pull-ups
3 May: Rest
4 May: Run 15 min, 8x400 (1:32), 57 min total
5 May: Rest
6 May: Bike 30 min
7 May: 30 min AM run, 60 min PM run on the trail
8 May: 30 min bike, 1-5-1 pull-up pyramid
9-10 May: Rest
11 May: Run 20 min, 8x400 (93/1:45), 45 min total
12 May: Run 25 min
13 May: Mock PT test (100%!)
14 May: Run 20 min
15 May: Run 10 min, swim 1000m (?), stretching
16 May: Ogden Marathon in 3:31:20
17-25 May: Rest
26 May: ?
27 May: 10 min WU, 6x1 min/2 min, 5 min cool
28 May: push-ups, pull-ups
29-30 May: Rest
1 June: CrossFit
2 June: CrossFit, Filthy Fifty, 22:39
3-7 June: Nothing (stupid air show)
8 June: "Fun Run" with the Wing/CC, 6.5 mi in 45 min
9-13 June: Nothing (what happened??)
14 June: 25 min run
15 June: None (travel day to NY)
16 June: 4x3min, 4x90 sec, 47 min total
17 June: 50 min run (sloooooow)
18 June: 10 rounds of 10 burpees/10 air squats
19-21 June: Nothing
22 June: CrossFit
23-25 June: response at Dugway
26 June-2 July: Nothing
3 July: Run 20 min with Colin
4 July: Run 30 min with Colin
5 July: None, travel back to UT from AL
6 July: Run 30 min
7 July: Run 30 min AM, 8x400 in 93/1:40
8-10 July: Nothing
11 July: Run 90 min at Snowbasin
12-14 July: Nothing (exam in Vegas)
15 July: Run 6.8 mi (60 min)
16 July: CrossFit, 4x800 (3:22), 42 min total
17 July: Run 3.75 mi (32 min), run 1.5 mi
18 July: Rest
19 July: Run 27 min (3.4 mi)
20 July: Run 13.5 mi (1:51:55)
21-24 July: None (work from 0700-1700 and 2300-0500, which killed me)
25 July: CrossFit, in a group 300 pushups, 400m tire flip, 300 air squats, split jerks
AFMC Marathon Team--I applied for and made the AFMC Marathon Team to run the AF Marathon in September. I have a goal to make the USAF Marathon Team, and this is just one step closer to my goal. I'm pretty stoked. It's a huge motivator to do CrossFit as much as I can between now and then.

Moving--AFPC told me I will be moving to Moody AFB sometime this fall. Initially I was told mid-August, but now it's looking like early October. But at least Colin and I will finally live in the same place! 4 years later! We are super stoked.

Work--I have not found a balance between life and work. There was a plane crash, and I was required to respond (I was on-call), which really disrupted a lot of our lives. It's tough to bounce back from something like that. Then I left town twice, which further disrupted my normal life. AND I am struggling to catch up with the normal work that I have missed. I just cannot figure out a way to calm things down. But my new NCOIC arrived, so all will be good again. Just have to keep plugging away.

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