Saturday, September 24, 2011

Finally a legit update

5 Sept: Run 2.9 mi, strides
6 Sept: Run 5 mi
7 Sept: Rest
8 Sept: Football (and got hit in the face)
9 Sept: Run 3 mi, butt kicks/high knees/bounding, strides
10 Sept: Rest
11 Sept: Gardening (this sounds ridiculous, but it was a TON of work)
12 Sept: Run 3 mi
13-15 Sept: ?
16 Sept: Run 20 min
17 Sept: Air Force Half Marathon
18-19 Sept: None
20 Sept: 33 min elliptical, core
21 Sept: Run 40 min (slow-ish)
22 Sept: 5 rounds: 10 dumbell snatches (each arm), 15 push-ups, 10 lunges (each leg), 10 plank leg lifts (each leg), 10 supermans
23 Sept: None
24 Sept: 3.2 mi moderate run (AM), 6 mi moderate run (PM)
Hurdles--I love running. I'm SOOOO thankful my foot is healed. I realize I can't take that for granted anymore. But my two biggest hurdles are 1) getting out of work on time (i.e. leave the office at around 5PM instead of 7 or 8 PM) and 2) finding places in town to run. I am going to develop a plan of attack by the end of this weekend.

Coach--I hired a coach to help me with my running, esp now that my foot (and knees, for that matter) feels a lot better. She's been amazing so far, and she thinks I can accomplish my goals within the next two years. I'm SUPER stoked.

AF Half Marathon--I was super lucky (it really was luck) that I got picked up to run for the Air Combat Command team, esp since I hadn't run any races since 2009. But I ran a 1:44:17, which isn't great, but considering that was the longest I had run in a VERY, VERY long time, I can't complain. I'm back!!! She told me to run the following splits:

8:35 x 2 mi
8:15 x 2 mi
8:00 x 2 mi
7:45 x 2 mi
7:30 x 2 mi
Whatever is left for last 5K

She also told me to use a heart-rate monitor during the race. Unfortunately I barely know how to use it, so I didn't know how to take any splits, or any data, really. But I used the clock at each mile marker to help me figure out if I was on track. All of my splits were within 10-15 seconds, even during the hilly miles. But I still have a lot of work to do, and my coach is super confident that I can bring my time down to 1:40 or faster by March. I'm excited!

Gardening--Holy moly I am CRAZY into gardening now. My husband surprised me and bought me all of the supplies for a square foot garden. I put it together while he was out of town (which turns out is a TON of back-breaking work), and I have quite a few things growing in there. Gardening is a really fun hobby, and I am lucky to have something that truly de-stresses me. Even running is a stressor sometimes, but there is ZERO pressure with my garden. Plus it's amazing to eat the delicious things you've grown yourself. The growing season here in GA is also very long!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Just for archival purposes...

10 Jan: Flight PT
11-14 Jan: None
15 Jan: Run 15 min
16 Jan: ?
17 Jan: None
18 Jan: PT test (99.9%), legs at the gym
19 Jan: None
20 Jan: Squadron PT
21 Jan-2 Feb: None (wow)
3 Feb: 6x400
4-6 Feb: None
7 Feb: Flight PT
8-12 Feb: None
13 Feb: Light run, knee rehab exercises, hard core abs
14 Feb: Flight PT
15 Feb: None
16 Feb: Run 20 min
17-18 Feb: None
19 Feb: Run 3 mi
20 Feb: Row 2K, 1K, 1K (5K total)
21 Feb: CrossFit Total (125, 70, 175 = 370# total)
22 Feb: Tabata run and push-ups
23 Feb: Swim
24 Feb: 40 min run, Squadron PT
25 Feb: None
26 Feb: 10x1min fast/1min recovery
27 Feb: None
28 Feb: Flight PT
1-2 Mar: None
3 Mar: Squadron PT
4-6 Mar: None
7 Mar: Flight PT
8-9 Mar: None
10 Mar: Squadron PT
11-13 Mar: None (really sick)
14 Mar: Flight PT
15-18 Mar: None
19 Mar: Run 5K
20 Mar: None
21 Mar: Run 4.8 mi
22 Mar: Spin class
23-24 Mar: None
25 Mar: 7 min tempo run/30 min total
26 Mar: ?
27 Mar: Run 5.5 mi
28 Mar: None
29 Mar: Run 6x2min/1min recovery
30 Mar-2 Apr: None (ORE)
3 Apr: Run 6 mi
4 Apr: MDG PT
5 Apr: MDG PT
6-24 Apr: Last-minute deployment, weird shifts
27 Apr: 6x2min/1 min recovery
28 Apr: Fitness course
29 Apr: Run 30 min
30 Apr-4 May: None (trying to get back home)
5 May: Squadron PT
6 May: None
7 May: Run 50 min
8 May: Run 30 min
9 May: Flight PT
10-11 May: None
12 May: Squadron PT
13 May: Run 27 min, core workout
14 May: CrossFit Murph (44-something)
15 May: Run 30 min
16 May: Run 40 min
17 May: Run 30 min (1 min fast/slow for 18 min)
18-22 May: None
23 May: Flight PT
24-25 May: None
26 May: Squadron PT
27-31 May: None
1 June: Run 3 mi (0.75 mi tempo)
2 June: Run 3+ mi, core
3-5 June: None
6 June: Flight PT
7 June: 1020 push-ups (wow)
8 June: None
9 June: Squadron PT
10-12 June: None
13 June: Run 30 min
14 June: Run 30 min
15-20 June: None
21 June: Run 36 min
22-23 June: None
24 June: 6x400 (3 mi total)
25-27 June: None (CHP Exam)
28 June: Swim
29 June: Run 5K
30 June: ?
1 July: Run 18 min (major spill on the asphalt)
2-6 July: None (spill really jacked up my knees)
7 July: Run 39 min
8 July: None
9 July: Run 50 min
10 July: None
11 July: Flight Pt
12 July: Swim
13 July: None
14 July: Ultimate frisbee, run 400/800/400 (1:34, 3:24, 1:39)
15-16 July: None
17 July: 20 min run/10 min row/10 min bike
18 July: Swim in AM, 5x5 laps/50 squats/50 sit-ups (3 mi total)
19-23 July: None
24 July: First Coast Triathlon
25 July: 20 min run
26 July-6 Aug(?): None (injury)
7 Aug: Row 5K
8 Aug: 4x800 (3.5 total), core; Flight PT
9 Aug: 3 mi, legs, tri
10 Aug: None
11 Aug: 3.5 mi total, 1.5 in 10:45
12 Aug: Run 50 min
13 Aug: ?
14 Aug: 60 min run (craaaaazy hot outside)
15-24 Aug: None (ORE, leave, jetlag/work)
25 Aug: Squadron PT
26 Aug: None
27 Aug: Run 41 min
28 Aug: Run 90 min
29 Aug: Ride 12 mi at 18 mph
30-31 Aug: None
1 Sept: Run 4 mi, burpees, planks
2 Sept: Run 5 mi (10 min MP, 10 min HMP, 10 min MP)
3-4 Sept: None (visitors!)

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Recovery is HARD

4 Jan: CrossFit
5-8 Jan: None
9 Jan: 11 min run
Excuses?--With the exception of Friday (getting up at 4AM, driving to Charleston, arriving back at home at 10PM), I should have worked out before work on the other days. It's very difficult to get up early, but I've done it before.

Goals--When it comes to goals and performance, I like to remain optimistic, but I really don't think Boston is going to happen this year. I still think I might be in good enough shape/healed in time for the AF Marathon, but 3 months isn't enough time to prepare for Boston. I'm sad, but I need to heal.

The Plan--When I came up with rules for myself when I was living in MD, it worked out really well. I'll try to add a rule or two per week and see where that takes me.

Rule 1: Eat a salad for lunch

Rule 2: Develop weekly workout milestones

This Week--Go to CrossFit once, do one CrossFit Endurance workout on the rower, swim before work, ride 60 min on my bike. Anything else is extra credit. Plus I have one week until my fitness test, which I need to stop stressing about. 100% isn't going to happen, but I think I can still get a 90.

2011--To healing!!!

Monday, January 03, 2011


3 Jan: Run 15 min
Run--I ran until my knees began to ache. I probably could be stretching a bit more...

Work--My job seems to be going ok. Our first goal as a flight is for everyone in the flight to leave work before 5PM because we work too much. It's harder than it sounds.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Progress Will NOT Be Overshadowed by One Event

30 Nov: Row 5k
1-7 Dec: None (cortisone shot in the ankle, then re-rolled it)
8 Dec: Run 30 min
9 Dec: None
10 Dec: Run 20 min
11 Dec: Run 29 min
12 Dec: Run 91 min
13 Dec: Core
14 Dec: None
15 Dec: AM - swim 30 min, PM - CrossFit
16 Dec: None
17 Dec: Swim 30 min
18 Dec: Run 20 min
19 Dec: Attempted Jacksonville 1/2, but made it 5 miles before knees exploded
20 Dec: None
21 Dec: CrossFit
22 Dec: CrossFit
23 Dec: CrossFit
24 Dec: CrossFit (12 Days of Christmas workout!)
25 Dec: None
26 Dec: Home CrossFit, bike 45 min
27 Dec: CrossFit, bike 21 min
28 Dec: CrossFit
29 Dec: Swim 30 min
30 Dec: None (whew!)
31 Dec: CrossFit
1 Jan: Run 20 min
2 Jan: Run 3 mi (1200, 800, 400)
JAX Half--I signed up to run the Jacksonville Half a while ago, hoping having a goal would help me focus on healing. Well, my foot felt great when I started running. I ran 4 miles, and then all of a sudden, my kneecaps felt like they completely ripped apart. I couldn't run another step. It was awful! So I decided that instead of suffering through 8 really cold, slow, painful miles, it was just easier to throw in the towel and focus on healing even more.

PT Test--I also came to the realization today that this will be the first time I don't get a 100% on my PT test. I did a practice run today, and my back was so sore that I had to stop. Before I take my test, I'll make sure I'm completely hydrated, my body has time to rest, and I keep running in the meantime. Kind of nervous about it though... Ugh!

I love running--I just gotta remember that I love running. It's fun, I feel good when I run, and I love the sense of accomplishment and the feeling of hard work. Being able to run is a privilege that I haven't had over the past year.