Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello from Georgia

22 Oct: 8x200, 3.5 mi total
23-25 Oct: None
26 Oct: Run 30 min
27 Oct: Run 4.5 mi
28 Oct: 8x400, 4.8 total
29 Oct: None
30 Oct: ?
31 Oct: WCF Halloween 5K, 19:36
1-2 Nov: None
3 Nov: ?
4 Nov: Filthy Fifty
5 Nov: 10 rnds (10 ring dips, 20 air squats, 10 20# dumbell push press) in 12:20
6 Nov: ?
7 Nov: Team CrossFit, last time in Utah!
8-13 Nov: None (driving across the country)
14 Nov: Run 45 min (slowly)
15-16 Nov: None
17 Nov: CrossFit Valdosta Fit Test
18 Nov: CrossFit Cindy (14 rounds)
19 Nov: CrossFit
20-22 Nov: None (went to the hospital for a foot injury)
23 Nov: 4 rounds (15 snatch at 55#, run 400)
Moving--I moved to Georgia. Moving is so stressful: finding a place to live, learning my new job, learning a new town, trying to stay healthy, time change, making new friends, etc. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to do this by myself.

CrossFit--I found an affiliate in Georgia, and it's awesome! I love how our coach is so focused on form. The classes are pretty small too. The warm-ups are amazing. Because he's super picky about form, I feel like I'm going to become super strong in a relatively short period of time.

Running--I haven't run in forever. And I have registered for Boston yet again. I need to kick it into gear. I'm very mad at myself for not running at all lately. Thanksgiving will be a time to turn everything around.

Thanksgiving--This upcoming year is going to be really exciting. I can feel it. A lot of change coming up...!