Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello from Georgia

22 Oct: 8x200, 3.5 mi total
23-25 Oct: None
26 Oct: Run 30 min
27 Oct: Run 4.5 mi
28 Oct: 8x400, 4.8 total
29 Oct: None
30 Oct: ?
31 Oct: WCF Halloween 5K, 19:36
1-2 Nov: None
3 Nov: ?
4 Nov: Filthy Fifty
5 Nov: 10 rnds (10 ring dips, 20 air squats, 10 20# dumbell push press) in 12:20
6 Nov: ?
7 Nov: Team CrossFit, last time in Utah!
8-13 Nov: None (driving across the country)
14 Nov: Run 45 min (slowly)
15-16 Nov: None
17 Nov: CrossFit Valdosta Fit Test
18 Nov: CrossFit Cindy (14 rounds)
19 Nov: CrossFit
20-22 Nov: None (went to the hospital for a foot injury)
23 Nov: 4 rounds (15 snatch at 55#, run 400)
Moving--I moved to Georgia. Moving is so stressful: finding a place to live, learning my new job, learning a new town, trying to stay healthy, time change, making new friends, etc. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to do this by myself.

CrossFit--I found an affiliate in Georgia, and it's awesome! I love how our coach is so focused on form. The classes are pretty small too. The warm-ups are amazing. Because he's super picky about form, I feel like I'm going to become super strong in a relatively short period of time.

Running--I haven't run in forever. And I have registered for Boston yet again. I need to kick it into gear. I'm very mad at myself for not running at all lately. Thanksgiving will be a time to turn everything around.

Thanksgiving--This upcoming year is going to be really exciting. I can feel it. A lot of change coming up...!

1 comment:

Old School Runner said...


How come the USAF made you drive across the country to get to Georgia? Don't they have any planes to fly people between bases? Glad to hear things are going well. I'm going to see you in Hopkinton in the spring, because by some miracle, I managed to BQ this year.