Monday, November 24, 2008

Run, Crossfit

23 Nov: run 80 min in the mountains
24 Nov: Crossfit, 10 min of Cindy
Run--I did NOT want to run, but a friend called me up, we scheduled a time to meet. I arrived, put on my camelbak, and I shut up and ran. It ended up being great! We seriously hoofed it back to the car on the way back. My lungs feel great!!!

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

In 10 minutes I did 9 rounds, plus 5 pull-ups and 5 push-ups.

NOTE: The push-ups are all the way chest-to-the-floor.

Additional--1k row, 3x3 of deadlift/clean/lunges/push-press (45#). And 3x3 back squat (85#).

My arms are so tired I can barely lift them.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


17 Nov: rest
18 Nov: 10 x 200 (4 mi total), Crossfit "Tabata Something Else"

"Tabata Something Else"
8 x 20 sec kill yourself/10 sec "rest"
30 seconds between each exercise
Push-ups, chest to the floor, 68
Pull-ups, 36
Air squats, 140
Sit-ups with abmat, 111
Total of 355

19 Nov: Crossfit deadlifting

Deadlifting, 95#
5-5-5-3-3, pull-ups following, worked on grip strength

20 Nov: 30 min run, easy
21 Nov: rest
22 Nov: Syracuse (UT) Turkey Trot 5K, Crossfit "Team Kelly"

"Team Kelly" in teams of 2
5 rounds
400 m run
30 box jumps
30 wall balls (10#)
5K Time Trial--one of my goals this week was to run a 5K time trial, lined up with a local turkey trot. My goal was to break 23:00 and use this race as a benchmark. Well, I ended up running 20:53, which completely blew my mind away! That's 6:43/mi, which definitely satisfied my 2008 goal of (finally) breaking 7:00/mi in a race. It's about time! What's next... breaking 20:00?!? Yikes!

Consistency--I have been going to Crossfit 3x/wk since I started, and I really do think it's paying off. Somethings are slower to come than others (i.e. olympic lifts), but I've really improved other parts of my fitness. I can do more than 10 pull-ups in a row, I feel stronger when running, and my back is definitely a LOT stronger. And the best part is the friends I've made in this gym. Exactly what I was looking for!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


16 Nov

Run: 10 mi (9:55 pace, but 1000 ft up the mountain)
Goals--Gotta run my sub-7:00 pace for 5K. I can't believe I haven't done this yet. Even more than running a 3:25 marathon I want to run a fast 5K. I'm weird. Crossfit is going to help me.

2009 Race Calendar--Thank goodness Utah is pretty because it looks like all my racing will be here! Maybe I can run some smokin' half marathons and make the AF marathon team so I can run in DC this fall?

Saturday, November 15, 2008


11 Nov: Crossfit Fight Gone Bad
"Fight Gone Bad"
Wall ball (10 lbs)
Sumo DLHP's (40 lbs)
Box jumps
Push press (35 lbs)
Row (for calories)
12 Nov: Crossfit 3 rounds of...
-Max weight bench press (75 lbs)
-Max double unders (2, but eventually got 18)
-Max hanging L-sit (10 sec)
-Max pull-ups (10!!!!)

13 Nov: 4x400 (3 mi total; 88, 92, 91, 92 sec)
14 Nov: Crossfit--30 squats, 400m run, 30 sit-ups x 4 in 10:52
15 Nov: Crossfit team workout, 72 min run

"Crossfit team workout," teams of 3
-Row 1 mile
-Carry a 100 lb dummy for 800m
-51 inverted burpees (don't ask)
Running--I must run more! The trails are still clear, luckily. I like the FIRST training plan with a few more miles. Gotta get these legs faster! Time to KILL a 5K!

Recovery--I am very tired after these (very short) Crossfit workouts. I think I am going to cut back to 3 per week. My hip flexors are tired!

Monday, November 10, 2008


9-10 Nov: rest (achy back from Saturday!)
HaYom--Today was the best day I have ever had at work! I formally applied for the AF Cross Country Team (loooooooong shot, but I'll never make it if I don't apply, right?). A major project is done. The base newspaper interviewed me randomly. The lung drugs are still working great. More of my publication has been written.

Happy Veteran's Day. Enjoy your FREE day!

Saturday, November 08, 2008

First Day of Boston Training

But first some updates...

21 Oct: run 36 min
22 Oct: Crossfit--1K row, 1 mi run, 100 box jumps, 100 min run
23 Oct: Crossfit--1K row, 7 minutes of 7 sumo/7 pull-ups
24 Oct: PT session

Jump rope for 1 min between each round of 1 min each:
Bicep curls with heavy weights
Tricep dips with a bench
Squats with a bar
Touch your knee to your elbow
Push-ups (one foot up at a time)
Jump rope backward
Lunge jumps (switch feet)
Shoulder press

25-27 Oct: rest (beginning of ORE, 12-hr shifts)
28 Oct: Crossfit "Cuban Refugee"--row 100m sprints x 10/1 min rest then sprint 50m x 5
29 Oct: Crossfit "Jumping Badger"--30 reps 45# squat clean/30 pull-ups/30 box jumps
30-31 Oct: rest (still ORE)
1 Nov: Crossfit "Team Purgatory"

"Team Purgatory"
Teams of 3, two are working out, one is resting at all times, rotate anytime
3 min box jumps
3 min fire hose drag
3 min dummy carry
3 min lunging with a huge pipe full of water
3 min dumbell shoulder snatches

2 Nov: rest
3 Nov: Crossfit "Snatch Happy"--hang power snatch 5 x 2, 5 x 1
4 Nov: Crossfit "One Round Helen"--strict press 3 x 5 (50#), then one round of Helen (3:27)

21 kettlebell swings
Run 400m
12 pull-ups (I actually did all 12)

5 Nov: Crossfit "Utah Affiliate Challenge"--7 rounds for time of 10 med ball cleans (14#), 10 burpees (8:57)
6 Nov: Crossfit "Pull-up Ladder"--1 pu in 1st min, 2 in 2nd, etc. Made it to 8 min for 36 pu
7 Nov: PT session

1 min of each, count all reps
Heel touches
Shoulder press
Side to side jump over rope
Squat with shoulder press
Kettlebell swing

Then 0.5 mi warm up, 0.5 mi fast (6:30 pace), 0.25 mi recovery, then 0.5 fast (6:10 pace), then 0.5 cool down

8 Nov: Crossfit "Team Diane" (5:07), run 8 mi at 8:26/mi (1:07:37)

"Team Diane"
Teams of two perform the following
21, 15, 9 team deadlift (2 people on the bar at the same time, 145#)
21, 15, 9 handstand pushups
Crossfit--every workout begins with a 1K meter row and 3 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats). I can already tell a difference in my entire body. It's absolutely incredible, and it's FUN. I LOVE this gym.

Marathoning--I registered for the Boston and Ogden Marathons. Super stoked! It will be interesting to see what happens to my running now that I will have more the strength component. I need to figure out what my running is going to look like though. I consider Boston training to start TODAY. 5.5 months left...

Lungs--My visits the pulmonologist were well worth it. I tried albuterol, and that was TERRIBLE. I'm now on Singulair which has really changed my life. It still wears off a bit toward the end of the day, but I feel so much better in the morning.

AF X-Country Team--I am almost done filling out the application for the x-country team. I know my chances are VERY slim (I've only run one "worthy" 5K in the past 3 years. My best races have been half marathons.) If I don't get it this year, I'll just enter shorter races, train like crazy, and apply next year. I am definitely applying for the AF Marathon Team this fall though.

Life in General--Things at work have been pretty busy (i.e. mandatory 12-hr days, most of the time in a gas mask, etc). I feel like I have some things under control though: publication, wedding stuff, beginning marathon training, my health, some time to myself (reading, cooking), sleeping.