Monday, November 24, 2008

Run, Crossfit

23 Nov: run 80 min in the mountains
24 Nov: Crossfit, 10 min of Cindy
Run--I did NOT want to run, but a friend called me up, we scheduled a time to meet. I arrived, put on my camelbak, and I shut up and ran. It ended up being great! We seriously hoofed it back to the car on the way back. My lungs feel great!!!

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 air squats

In 10 minutes I did 9 rounds, plus 5 pull-ups and 5 push-ups.

NOTE: The push-ups are all the way chest-to-the-floor.

Additional--1k row, 3x3 of deadlift/clean/lunges/push-press (45#). And 3x3 back squat (85#).

My arms are so tired I can barely lift them.

1 comment:

Benson said...

you are one tuff woman.
Good work.