Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hard Week

9 Mar: CrossFit
10 Mar: CrossFit 30-20-10 (AM), interval workout
11 Mar: rest(!)
12 Mar: CrossFit OHS
13 Mar: CrossFit "Grace," skiing at SnowBasin
14 Mar: WRC 10 Miler
15 Mar: REST!
Paleo Challenge--I have been eating absolute strict Paleo for two weeks (with Sundays as complete off days. I haven't lost any weight, but I am definitely a LOT more defined. I was reading someone else's blog, and that person was talking about how the easiest way to get faster is to lose 10 lbs. I definitely don't have 10 lbs to lose, but I'm still wondering if losing weight is the way to go. Hmmm...

WRC 10 Miler--I went skiing the day before the race, and the course was insanely hilly. This is the most sore I have ever been in my life. But I tried to run as fast as I could, and I did pretty well! I looked up times from last year and their corresponding Ogden Marathon times, and women slower than my time this year ran 3:14 marathons. CRAZY! So we'll see what happens in May!

Total time 1:16:53, pace 7:42
9th woman (of 173), 2nd division
CrossFit 9 Mar
5-5-3-3-2 back squat (125#!)
21, 15, 9 for time (8:54)
Sumo deadlift high pull (45#)
Strict press

CrossFit "30-20-10"
30-20-10 for time (5:36)
dumbell snatches (20#)
box jumps (no stepping!)

CrossFit Endurance Interval Workout
1 min on/1 min rest
1 min on/50 sec rest
1 min on/40 sec rest
1 min on/10 sec rest
1 min on/20 sec rest
1 min on/1 min rest
Cool down

CrossFit "OHS"
Max overhead squat (55#)
3 rounds for time (10:59):
21 thrusters (30#)
Run 400m
12 pull-ups

CrossFit "Grace"
30 clean and jerks for time (55#)
(note: next time do 75#)

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