Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rest of March

16 Mar: CrossFit "Christine"
17 Mar: CrossFit "Super Light Fran"
18 Mar: Rest
19 Mar: CrossFit "WOD, 19 Mar" and 400/800/1600/800/400 sub-6:00 (5 mi total)
20 Mar: CrossFit "Power Cleans"
21 Mar: Run 2 mi (headache, botched long run)
22 Mar: Rest
23 Mar: 3x1 mi (6:30), 4 min rest, 6 mi total
24 Mar: CrossFit "GP Fran"
25 Mar: 4 mi tempo (27:24), AMDS PT, CrossFit "Griff"
26 Mar: CrossFit "WOD, 26 Mar"
27 Mar: Long run, 2:30, indoor track (ouch!)
28 Mar: CrossFit "Murph"
29 Mar: REST! (So flippin' sore)
30 Mar: Run 15 min, bike 5 min
31 Mar: Rest
Blogging--Blogging is becoming more difficult. I love being busy, but it's tough to keep my workout log up to par. At least it means I'm out and about more being productive! I've made a LOT of progress in my job, my professional development, and consistency in workouts. Balance is still incredibly difficult, but it's coming along.
3 rounds for time
Row 500m
12 bodyweight deadlifts (120#)
21 box jumps

"Super Light Fran"
5x30 sec handstands
21, 15, 9 of...
Thrusters (15#)
Jumping pull-ups

"WOD, 19 Mar"
7 rounds
12 medicine ball cleans (14#)
12 burpees

"Power Cleans"
2 power cleans per minute for 20 min

"GP Fran" (genetic potential)
Fran with a 5 min break between rounds
21, 15, 9 thrusters, pull-ups (scaled to 45#)

Run 800 forward, 400 backward

"WOD, 26 Mar"
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 15 min
3 snatches (scaled to 45#)
5 kettlebell swings
7 box jumps

Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile

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