Monday, April 27, 2009

More Recovery

26 Apr: Rest
27 Apr: Run 20 min AM, pull-ups, run 30 min PM on trails
Run--Easy runs to make sure I still know how. Man, I need to work on my pull-ups. Pathetic!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


21 Apr: Rest, return to Utah
22 Apr: Swim 30 min (sleep from 6PM to 4:45AM)
23 Apr: Bike 25 min
24 Apr: Swim 45 min, including 1000m freestyle
25 Apr: Rest
Recovery--I learned a lot about recovery also. I think I did a lot of things right for once!

-Walked around a lot after the race. We had to get back to the T.
-Ate a meal within an hour of finishing (burger)
-Drank a LOT of water, at least 3 water bottles within 2-3 hours of finishing
-Short, warm shower after returning and then a 15 min ice bath
-Going to bed early, sleeping for at least 7 hours
-Eating a large breakfast
-Snacking throughout my trip back to Utah and drinking water
-Going to bed early when my body was tired
-Swimming helps tremendously!

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon, 3:33:57

I had an absolute blast!!! The marathon was almost secondary to the fun I had with my friends and my mother-in-law. Colin's parents live in Weston, which is about 20-30 min outside of Boston. It was so relaxing and stress-free. We ate the most delicious food. It was nice just to chill out and get to know my mother-in-law more. I just had the best time.

I also managed to hook up with two friends from high school, one at an Irish restaurant in Boston and the other at a pre-race meal in Weston. We ate sushi, salad, edemame, ravioli and ice cream. A weird combo, but it was delicious!

My ONLY goal for the race was to not feel like complete garbage at mile 16, which is where Colin's mom was going to meet me.

I ate a tiny piece of steak, some potato casserole, and a tiny piece of pizza for breakfast. The morning started out very foggy and cool. We drove to the state park where the buses were waiting, which is the best place to be dropped off. I hopped onto a bus and rode into the village. I just relaxed, applied sunblock everywhere, and kept warm. Then I walked to the start MUCH earlier than I normally started walking. Good thing I did! I was in the 2nd wave, and we didn't have much time to get to our corrals by the time our wave started.

My plan was just to lay low, relax, and conserve energy for the end. I just wanted to feel good at mile 16. The smartest thing I did for my training this season was to run up and down my hill for my long runs. My hips were strong, and the downhill wasn't nearly as punishing as it was every year prior.

I made it to mile 16 smiling! Then I just decided to cruise on into the finish and maybe try to sneak in under 3:40. The hills were a million times easier due to my training also. I became pretty tired toward the end, and my right knee was acting up, but my fastest miles were the last few.

I had a GREAT time!!! The best marathon experience I have ever had!

9:01 (hit my watch a bit early)
16:30 (oops)
16:32 (oops again)
:53 (1:48:21 half)
7:04 (7:57 mile)
7:44 (mile 16!)
10:14 (1.2 miles, 8:37 pace, stopped to talk to Colin's mom)
Total time 3:33:57, 8:10 pace
First half 1:48:12, second half 1:45:36

WRC Half Marathon

Unfortunately I did not run a PR at this race, but I learned a lot about what NOT to do:
-Eat a giant burrito the night before
-Forget to take lung medication
-Wear different socks with super worn shoes
-Have too high of expectations when the weather is super horrible

Total time 1:38:38, pace 7:31
4/35 division, 11/100 women

This Brings Us to April!

1 Apr: Skiing with my sister and mom at Wolf Mtn
2-3 Apr: Rest
4 Apr: WRC 1/2 Marathon, skiing with my sister
5 Apr: Rest
6 Apr: Run 25 min
7 Apr: Run 30 min AM, 6x400 (sub-1:30), 2:00 rest interval
8 Apr: Rest
9 Apr: Run 30 min, pull-up pyramid, birthday! A GREAT day!
10 Apr: Run 10 min, bike 20 min
11 Apr: CrossFit "Row, Burpees, Run"
12 Apr: Rest
13 Apr: 10 min WU, 1200, 800, 600, 400, 400 (1:35/400 pace), cool down
14 Apr: Run 30 min
15 Apr: 15 min WU, 4x400 (6:15/mi), 15 min cool
16 Apr: Rest
17 Apr: Run 25 min easy
18 Apr: Run 20 min easy
19 Apr: Run 15 min easy
WRC Half Marathon--Holy cow, this race had the worst conditions. My poor mom flew in from FL hoping to PR at this race. The first 6 miles were downhill into a slight headwind and snow. And then we came out of the canyon and WHAM! The headwind was absolutely ridiculous. People were running at about a 45 degree angle into the wind. Temps were in the low 20's. Yuck. And 2 silver dollar sized blisters formed on my arches about 5 miles into the race.

Taper--My coach taught me a LOT about tapering before Boston. He outlined each day's mileage and effort. And it was genius! I am doing this for every race from now on. He told me to run just about every day just to keep the legs fresh. Fan-freaking-tastic!

Birthday--I had the best birthday. Most of the time I end up crying on my birthday, but this was just a wonderful day. People from my office bought me 4 ribeye steaks since they learned that steak is hands-down my favorite food ever. My family members called me, they sent really neat presents to my house, and my mom baked me a birthday cake when she was here. Delicious!

Paleo Challenge--I forgot to mention the Paleo Challenge in my last post. I am a believer in the Paleo diet now! At first I was really worried about the lack of carbs, and the first week I felt like garbage. But then I just felt stronger and stronger. My long runs were great, and I performed very well during the CrossFit workouts. Now that the challenge is over, I do eat some treats, but I have incorporated a LOT more plants into my diet. I thought I ate a lot of plants before, but I actively seek them out now. Also, I was totally ripped on this diet too.
"Row, Burpees, Run"
3 rounds for time...
Row 500m
21 burpees
Run 400m

Rest of March

16 Mar: CrossFit "Christine"
17 Mar: CrossFit "Super Light Fran"
18 Mar: Rest
19 Mar: CrossFit "WOD, 19 Mar" and 400/800/1600/800/400 sub-6:00 (5 mi total)
20 Mar: CrossFit "Power Cleans"
21 Mar: Run 2 mi (headache, botched long run)
22 Mar: Rest
23 Mar: 3x1 mi (6:30), 4 min rest, 6 mi total
24 Mar: CrossFit "GP Fran"
25 Mar: 4 mi tempo (27:24), AMDS PT, CrossFit "Griff"
26 Mar: CrossFit "WOD, 26 Mar"
27 Mar: Long run, 2:30, indoor track (ouch!)
28 Mar: CrossFit "Murph"
29 Mar: REST! (So flippin' sore)
30 Mar: Run 15 min, bike 5 min
31 Mar: Rest
Blogging--Blogging is becoming more difficult. I love being busy, but it's tough to keep my workout log up to par. At least it means I'm out and about more being productive! I've made a LOT of progress in my job, my professional development, and consistency in workouts. Balance is still incredibly difficult, but it's coming along.
3 rounds for time
Row 500m
12 bodyweight deadlifts (120#)
21 box jumps

"Super Light Fran"
5x30 sec handstands
21, 15, 9 of...
Thrusters (15#)
Jumping pull-ups

"WOD, 19 Mar"
7 rounds
12 medicine ball cleans (14#)
12 burpees

"Power Cleans"
2 power cleans per minute for 20 min

"GP Fran" (genetic potential)
Fran with a 5 min break between rounds
21, 15, 9 thrusters, pull-ups (scaled to 45#)

Run 800 forward, 400 backward

"WOD, 26 Mar"
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 15 min
3 snatches (scaled to 45#)
5 kettlebell swings
7 box jumps

Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 air squats
Run 1 mile