Friday, December 15, 2017

11-17 Dec

11 Dec:  back squat 6x6 at 105#, ring pull up negatives, obliques, push ups, hollow rocks
12 Dec:  15 min jog on treadmill
13 Dec:  30 min jog on treadmill
14 Dec:  3x6 deadlift to 115#, then 3x max at 95#, neck stretches, bridges. Shoulder/neck soreness.
15 Dec:  rest my foot and neck/shoulder
16 Dec:  jog 40 min for fun!
17 Dec:  half/full squats to 85#, obliques, bridges, flew to Phoenix
Foot - Am I getting a bunion??? My left foot has been killing me. I have been wearing flats, wedges, and service dress shoes, and the joint below my big toe hurts like crazy. It's not so bad when running, but walking or jumping are painful. Going to take it easy and ensure I have good arch support. 

Shoulder/Neck - I tweaked my neck muscle back in May, and it never quite healed right. I saw the doc, and it got better with two professional massages, ditching a purse for a backpack, and ensuring my core is tight. But it's been flaring up the past couple of weeks. It takes a lot more active stretching and work to keep the tightness and pain at bay. 

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