Monday, January 28, 2008

Can athletes play catch-up?

I had HUUUUGE motivation/inspiration/confidence issues this past weekend. I spent a lot of time crying, allowing stress to reach out-of-control levels, feeling like I was failing myself and my family, a great deal of raw emotion.

Soooo I decided to regain control of my situation. I had 17 miles on my schedule for the weekend. Since the wind and temperatures were horrendous, I decided to run indoors.

I came up with a goal--don't care about the distance, just run for the time. And that time was 2 and a half hours.

I ate some food, packed up my bag, and went straight to the gym on the base. I ran for an hour on the treadmill, then I ran on the indoor track for an hour and a half. I don't know how far I ran, but for some reason I don't feel like it matters. I have the endurance to finish this race and have a good time! I know it!

I swam for the second time since my August triathlon this morning. My sets usually go like this:

400-600 SKIPS warm-up (swim, kick, pull, swim)
Sprints/race technique
Huge kick set

This morning I swam 2150 meters, and I could have swam a lot more! The focus will be on freestyle for upcoming races this summer.

It's hard to think of freestyle drills on the fly (haha). I should make a list. I know I have in the past...

Good luck with your training! And let's stay motivated and inspired!!!

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