Monday, February 04, 2008


4 February

Run: 3 hours
Strength: Random stuff
Run--I ran on an indoor track for 3 hours today. Surprisingly, the knees aren't killing me. We've had so much snow, it's been impossible to get out there more than an hour at a time. Winter marathon training always kills me. I actually ran this run with a 3-hour break in the middle (I had to work sometime). Do you think this still has the same effect of, say, a 2.5 hour long run?

Pictures--These pics were taken in front of my house and from my house today, after the crazy snowstorm we had yesterday. The view of the mountains is amazing. The view of the mountains and the Great Salt Lake from the other side of my house are even more breathtaking.


Old School Runner said...

I can't believe you ran for three hours on an indoor track! I would have lost count of the laps after about 10 minutes. That is some serious snow!

Benson said...

OH MY! Great pics of all that snow. How's your back?
Great that nothing is stopping you from getting the training in and I hope your "running project" is comeing along.
Stay with it and have fun with your creative "strength" training.