Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Running in the Mountains

6 July: 2 mi WU, 2x400, 800, 1000, cool down (2 mi + 6000m total)

400 in 83 sec
400 in 84 sec
800 in 3:06
1000 in 4:00

7 July: 15+ mile run on Maples Loop. It took me about 2:30, ouch! But it was about ~2000 ft of climbing up to Snowbasin and back.

Work--I told myself yesterday that this was going to be the best week of work I have ever had. Nothing is going to get in my way! I just love smiling at people who get on my case and micromanage me. :-)

Injury--I fell off my mtn bike SPOOKY back in June, and my hand has been bothering me for a while. I went to the clinic, and it turns out I have trigger finger. GROSS!

1 comment:

Benson said...

Oh ouch! I hope that goes away soon.
those mtn bike rides look like a gas. great pic of you and spooky.
I hope things on the work front have improved. you have the right idea about smiling. Good on ya.