Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bike, Crossfit

12 Jan: bike 30 min easy on the trainer

13 Jan: Crossfit

5/50, 4/40, 3/30, 2/20, 1/10 overhead squat (15# bar) and double unders in 6:11
Work--Our major inspection is going on this week and I'm in the midst of turning over my old program to a new person AND learning my new program. It's busy, but I feel like things are under control.

Disappointment--I'm mad at myself for not running today, but I really needed to sleep more. I have discipline; I just need to shut up and run! The FIRST plan is probably going to suit me best this season with my work schedule, Crossfit, marathon training, and the weather. I ran a 3:33 at MCM in 2006 with 80 and 100 mile weeks, and I ran a 3:38 in Ogden (5000 ft higher) with 40 mile weeks and having run Boston 3 weeks before that. I'm just sayin'... I think my key to running faster is going to have to be progression runs. We'll try it out this season.

Good luck with your training!

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