Sunday, January 09, 2011

Recovery is HARD

4 Jan: CrossFit
5-8 Jan: None
9 Jan: 11 min run
Excuses?--With the exception of Friday (getting up at 4AM, driving to Charleston, arriving back at home at 10PM), I should have worked out before work on the other days. It's very difficult to get up early, but I've done it before.

Goals--When it comes to goals and performance, I like to remain optimistic, but I really don't think Boston is going to happen this year. I still think I might be in good enough shape/healed in time for the AF Marathon, but 3 months isn't enough time to prepare for Boston. I'm sad, but I need to heal.

The Plan--When I came up with rules for myself when I was living in MD, it worked out really well. I'll try to add a rule or two per week and see where that takes me.

Rule 1: Eat a salad for lunch

Rule 2: Develop weekly workout milestones

This Week--Go to CrossFit once, do one CrossFit Endurance workout on the rower, swim before work, ride 60 min on my bike. Anything else is extra credit. Plus I have one week until my fitness test, which I need to stop stressing about. 100% isn't going to happen, but I think I can still get a 90.

2011--To healing!!!

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