Friday, March 30, 2007


30 March

Rest--Spent the day working on the thesis and prepping for Pesach! Ritual for Sunday race: rest on Friday, short run on Saturday, RACE on Sunday! Yessssss!

Thursday, March 29, 2007


29 March

Run: 3.2 mi
Run--The most beautiful run of the year so far. A nice short ditty through Bethesda in the late afternoon. Wow, I have never experienced more beautiful weather in my life. Perhaps Boston will be this beautiful??

Thesis--Almost done! A week from Friday, and grad school is OVER! I am 20 miles into my marathon of grad school. I've trained for this. The last 10K is the best part of the race.


28 March

Run: 7.25 mi
Run--Wed night track workout with MCRRC. I'm stupid and had a big lunch and I didn't drink nearly enough. My workout was 8 x 400m at 5K pace (w/ 400m recovery). Not a huge confidence builder for the 10 miler this weekend...

Splits (in sec)

Ouch... Next time I do this workout, they will all be 86 seconds or faster!


27 March

Bike: 19 mi (15 mph)
Bike--Longer ride out on LUCKY. Hopefully made a deposit into the bank of karma when I gave a nice man with a flat one of my spare tubes. I am totally itching to do a tri!!!


26 March

Bike: 7 mi (30 min)
Bike--First outdoor ride on LUCKY this season! Didn't have much time, so I just rode around the neighborhood. The legs are STRONG! Yay for trainer workouts!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


25 March

Run: 9.5 mi
Run--Again, I just wanted my body to remember what it's like to run, and today was MUCH better than yesterday! Total time 1:14:46, total pace 7:52. Must keep sucking down liquids! I am going to CRUSH the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler next week!!!

Pesach--Passover starts on 2 April.

Friend--Joan is coming to visit on 2 April.

Thesis--Oral defense on 5 April. Yikes. Grad school will be OVER!

Birthday--9 April, quarter century in age. Old lady.

Test--Physical Fitness Test on 12 April (moving up an age group = slower times!)

Boston Marathon-- 16 April.



24 March

Run: 5.4 mi
Run--The purpose of this run was for my legs to remember what it's like to run. My legs remembered. My lungs and heart apparently forgot. Not to mention I am probably still only 20% water at this point. That trip dried my body out. I had to walk a bunch of times, and I stopped at a playground to swing on the swings for about a half hour or so, perfect for Shabbat!


23 March

Rest--I returned home sometime on Friday, which didn't leave much time for Shabbat prep. I was soooooooooooooooo tired from the trip, which didn't help my internal clock! I cannot wait to go back to Israel (and take Colin). Working the soil, talking with our Jewish community across the ocean, and leaving a piece of ourselves in our spiritual homeland will forever leave an imprint in my heart.


22 March

Rest--Woke up ridiculously early to catch our flight back to the good ol' US of A. I wasn't sure if we'd make it home that day due to the airport strike earlier. Our flight out of Israel was fine; the flights out of JFK in NYC were ridiculously late and/or cancelled. Go figure! It didn't matter to me. I went to Israel!


21 March
X-Train: Hauling trees (4 hrs)
X-train--We went to a different part of the forest where we saw even more burnt trees, which we promptly cut down. (Hebrew lesson: l'horit = cut down, l'hashir = save it!) Then we performed skits at the JNF kibbutz (funniest part of the ENTIRE trip). Afterward, we headed back toward Jerusalem to wrap up our trip.

Greg (triathlete!!) covered in forest soot and ash

Cutting down burnt trees, teamwork in action

Most beautiful, amazing city in the world--Jerusalem

Standing on the Promenade in Jerusalem on our last night

Trying to fulfill my dream of being the first white, Jewish rapper military officer future rabbi from South Dakota


20 March
Bike: 5 mi(?)
Trip--Tour of the northern border, painting bomb shelters in a moshav near Malkiya, bike tour of the Hula Valley, then fun at a pub Pitriya at Kibbutz Dan! Dancing is so fun!

On the Lebanon border

Hisbollah watches Israel from the top of the hill

Security fence on the border

Alien tree!!!

Who is awesome? We are!

We rode this 7-person bicycle

Sunset in the Hula Valley


19 March

X-Train: Hauling trees (7+ hr)
X-train--Most exhausting day of the trip, as we chopped down trees in the Birya Forest that had been burned by the katusha rockets from the war last summer. I have never seen so many dedicated people who poured their entire heart, soul, and being into such work. At the end of the day, I could faithfully say I could not have worked any harder. My efforts and labor made Eretz Yisrael a better, more beautiful place. Triathlon definitely helped prepare me for the work!!! After working, we visited an old synagogue from the year 440 CE and an Army base in the north. We stayed at Kibbutz Malkiya right on the northern border with Lebanon.

Flora and Steph during a break

The "after" picture of the Birya Forest

HUGE pile of dead trees we chopped down, a few miles along the road

"Forest-made" pita on a weird shield burning trees!

My Israeli military brethren


18 March

X-Train: Hauling trees
X-Train--We went to Modi'in to plant some trees (can't go on a JNF trip without planting some trees!). Fledgling town not too far outside of Jerusalem, and we did our part to help them in a small way. Then we went to the Birya Forest in the north to do some MAJOR forestry, which would become our primary project for the week.

JNF Rules!

The perfect pine tree

We did this for 4 hours on this day


17 March
Rest--Shabbat in Jerusalem. No better place in the world to be. Perfectly magical!

Ben Yehuda Street in a rain jacket

Whoa, Shwarma and a shady hostel in Jerusalem!


16 March
Rest--Arrived in Tel Aviv in the late afternoon, headed to the hostel before Shabbat started. We could NOT believe we were in Israel!!! 80 college students and young professionals sacrificed spring break and our time to help Israelis in the north rebuild their land, homes, and lives. It was the most fun, meaningful, amazing, inspirational, incredible experience of my entire life. Needless to say, training went on the backburner for the week.

Who's in Israel?! THIS GIRL!!!


15 March
Rest--After a HUGE delay on the Metro, I made it to Reagan National Airport to catch the first leg of my flight (to JFK). Then arrived and had a 10 hour layover! Then I was on a plane nonstop to Tel Aviv!!!

Flew over Beantown!


14 March

Rest--Colin went home to Tucson. I packed for my trip to ... ISRAEL!!!


13 March

Rest--This doesn't sound like the training of one who has 5 specific goals to annihilate in a short time frame. Admittedly, training went on the backburner during Colin's visit. We took SPOOKY in for a new paint job, but decided against it (more than $475!!). I am going to try painting SPOOKY this summer. A good exercise in building a bike...!


12 March

X-Train: Rock Climbing (2 hr)
X-train--Colin and I drove around for about an hour trying to find the rock gym. The address for the gym took us to a super huge, super weird furniture store. Naturally we went inside with all our gear to climb some walls. We definitely received some WEIRD looks. It took another hour to figure out it was behind the super huge, super weird furniture store. They all looked like serial murderers. Climbing is fun, and we both passed the belay test with flying colors. Sport climbing leading is definitely next on the list.

Yes, I am short and Colin is tall (13 inch difference)

Go Go Gadget arms!


11 March

"Run": skipped a 5K
Run--Colin and I skipped an ENTIRE 5K race in MD. I think we could have finished in a lot faster time, but we were just going for completion. I was actually the last woman finisher in the race overall. I beat Colin by a few seconds (what a gentleman). My new 5K skipping PR: 37:12. I wish I had pics!


10 March

Run: 19.9 mi
Run--I ran the first 13.2 mi while Colin biked with me (time 1:47:45, pace 8:09). Then he ran the last 6.7 mi with me (time 56:28, pace 8:26). Total time 2:44:13, total pace 8:15. He's building up his running endurance the smart way--slowly but surely. It was SO fun to run with him! He's originally from Beantown, and he is super psyched about Boston. I just wish he could be there, of course!


9 March

Rest--The beginning to one of the best weeks of my entire life. My boyfriend Colin came to DC to visit me for the week. I love this man in ways I can't describe. Spent the day working on my thesis, cleaning up the apartment, lesson with the rabbi, preparing for Shabbat, and picking up Colin from the airport.


8 March

Rest--Spent the day working up at Aberdeen/Baltimore. The day just went downhill fast. I pray for humility and humbleness in my daily prayers, and it looks like my prayers were answered precisely. "We learn humility through humiliation." Baruch HaShem.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Run, Bike, Strength

7 March

Run: 7 mi
Bike: 15 min
Strength: Pull-ups, push-ups
Run--1.25 mi WU, 5 mi tempo (35:50 or 7:10 pace), 0.75 mi cool. It snowed again today, so I went to the gym with my mp3 player. 7:10's felt controlled, surprisingly. Good news is, I think I could have run even faster.

Bike--Short spin to relax the legs after the run.

Thesis--I submitted a rough draft of the thesis today, only 74 pages. In the home stretch! Turns out, I'm the only one in the graduate program who is going to graduate on time. The hard work is paying off! Every waking hour (minus the tri training!) is spent on this thing. (I apologize for not reading any of your blogs over the past few days! I'll catch up soon!!!)


6 March

Rest--My mind and body needed another day. Big time.


5 March

Bike: 30 min (5 mi)
Bike--Ok, I'm a wimp. I took SPOOKY, my mtn bike, out for a short ride. It was SO windy, I could barely stay on my bike! I cut it short and worked on some skills in a grassy field. Weird...

Sunday, March 04, 2007


4 March

Run: 15 mi
Run--In the spirit of Shmirat HaGuf, runners from my shul met this morning to run a few miles together, led by our rabbi! How cool is that?! I ran 3 before we met, we ran 5 miles together, then another runner and I peeled off to run a few more. A fantastic moment.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


3 March

Rest--My legs begged for a day off, which was nice since it was Shabbat.

Shabbat--Today I read Haftarah at the shacharit service. Afterward someone in the congregation came up to me and told me I did a great job. I was totally surprised! I chant Torah, Haftarah, and lead tefillah all the time in services, and this time wasn't anything special. This wonderful person discovered my dream to become a rabbi, and she told me that I have "such an awesome stage presence on the bimah!" That TOTALLY made my entire day!

Purim--This is one of my favorite holidays. I sang in the musical that the 'gogue puts on every year. I also baked a TON of hamantaschen. Sometimes Jews are too boring, their traditions and such. Typical flavors include apricot, prune, poppy seed, and chocolate. My hamantaschen are different: chocolate mocha, cheesecake, apple pie, mixed nut and honey, raspberry, and cinnamon crunch. YUM! Hamantaschen don't have any calories if they're eaten on Purim.

The Shushan Dimension (I'm in the brown body suit and hotpants!)

The Shushan Dimension singing "Chag Purim"

Steph's secret hamantaschen recipe!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Run, Core

2 March

Run: 10.5 mi
Run--The plan called for a 9 mi run at planned marathon pace; I ran 8.8 mi slow tempo. I'm not really sure what pace that should be, so 7:45/mi sounded just fine to me. The left calf has a pretty bad knot, for some weird reason. Oh well, it's nothing a few cookies can't help! The wind was pretty bad at times, but the sunshine was absolutely amazing!!!

Nacho--I miss Nacho, our yellow lab, so much. Sadly we had to put him to sleep last June. My sister took a picture of him sitting in a cardboard box, and that pic sits on my nightstand next to my bed. It's the last thing I look at before I fall asleep. Nacho "visits" me on every run, I know it. I see at least one yellow lab that always look like he's smiling, giving me a little sign that Nacho told him to share a hello with me. Sometimes Nacho sends puppies or funny dogs my way. Today I saw a German Shepherd puppy and a ridiculously small chihuahua, which made me laugh. I also saw a golden retriever that I KNOW had talked with Nacho too. Thanks, Nacho, for being there for me today.

Perks--Being Jewish is odd sometimes. Saturday night the holiday of Purim begins, a holiday where we chant a really long story in Hebrew, use lots of loud noisemakers while the reader chants, eat lots of delicious triangle-shaped cookies, wear costumes, and drink so much that we can't tell the difference between major characters in the story. Who comes up with this stuff?! Our 'gogue puts on a full-blown musical in the midst of all of this, and I am singing in the chorus. Since the song we are performing is "Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" from Hair rewritten for Purim, I will be standing next to the Torah scrolls in a bodysuit and hotpants. (I'll take pics! Ha ha!) Time to make some hamantaschen before Shabbat starts! I can't WAIT for rabbinical school!!!!!!

1.7 mi WU, 15:45
3.5-4.0, 3:54
4.0-4.5, 3:49
4.5-5.0, 3:48
5.0-5.5, 3:41
5.5-6.0, 3:42
6.0-6.5, 3:38
6.5-7.0, 3:41
7.0-6.5, 3:47
6.5-6.0, 3:47
6.0-5.5, 3:34
5.5-5.0, 3:44
5.0-4.5, 3:50
4.5-4.0, 3:44
4.0-3.5, 3:40
1.8 to home, 12:51
Total time 1:21:02, total pace 7:43
Tempo time 1:05:27, tempo pace 7:26

How can one resist this cute face?

Snoozing Nacho and Steph

Thursday, March 01, 2007

February in Review

Swim: 9200 yd
Bike: 277 mi
Run: 147.3 mi
Strength/Core: 8
Swim--The ice storms put a damper on swimming, as I couldn't even leave my apartment for a few days (car stuck, classes cancelled, sidewalks completely frozen). I'll focus on swimming a bit more in March to get ready for the lake swim in May.

Bike--My trainer was a great investment. I am definitely more comfortable on my bike, and I have been working on lots of skills: one-leg pedal, spinning faster, interval training, standing out of the saddle in hard gears for long periods of time, riding in aero a LOT more, fixing flats (!!!). My legs are so much stronger already!

Run--The ice hurt my running a bit too. It's tough to make up workouts on the treadmill, but for the most part, I squeezed them in. I have never missed a long run, and the pace is faster than ever before, around BQ pace! Hopefully the track defrosts so I can test myself a few more times before the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, my big race for this season. Boston is just for fun!

Strength/Core--As always, could do more, but I can definitely feel a difference on the bike and during long runs, esp in my back muscles. I cannot say enough about my exercise ball. Pushups are improving, but pull-ups have fallen by the wayside.

Races--I am paranoid because I am not going to have a chance to practice racing before the 10 miler. My boyfriend and I are going to skip the entire 5K in a week and a half, just to see if we can do it. The furthest I have ever skipped before was a mile. I still have not signed up for a triathlon yet: I'm moving somewhere this summer, most races are full, or they are way too expensive. I am itching to test these trained bike legs!


1 March

Swim: 4400 yd
Swim--Lots of breaststroke and fly drills and kicking.

Exhaustion--I am so tired, I can't stand it. No clue why. Barely made it through swim practice.

Nutrition--My diet has been pretty good over the past few weeks: eating lots of colorful plants, a good balance of protein sources (low-fat/fat free dairy, nuts and seeds, fish, soy, beans), lots of liquids, balanced smaller meals with healthy snacks. This is also the most I have ever weighed in my life (126 lbs for 5'4"). This morning my scale also registered 17% body fat. I am definitely NOT trim right now, even though I've been working out pretty regularly. What gives??