Thursday, March 01, 2007

February in Review

Swim: 9200 yd
Bike: 277 mi
Run: 147.3 mi
Strength/Core: 8
Swim--The ice storms put a damper on swimming, as I couldn't even leave my apartment for a few days (car stuck, classes cancelled, sidewalks completely frozen). I'll focus on swimming a bit more in March to get ready for the lake swim in May.

Bike--My trainer was a great investment. I am definitely more comfortable on my bike, and I have been working on lots of skills: one-leg pedal, spinning faster, interval training, standing out of the saddle in hard gears for long periods of time, riding in aero a LOT more, fixing flats (!!!). My legs are so much stronger already!

Run--The ice hurt my running a bit too. It's tough to make up workouts on the treadmill, but for the most part, I squeezed them in. I have never missed a long run, and the pace is faster than ever before, around BQ pace! Hopefully the track defrosts so I can test myself a few more times before the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler, my big race for this season. Boston is just for fun!

Strength/Core--As always, could do more, but I can definitely feel a difference on the bike and during long runs, esp in my back muscles. I cannot say enough about my exercise ball. Pushups are improving, but pull-ups have fallen by the wayside.

Races--I am paranoid because I am not going to have a chance to practice racing before the 10 miler. My boyfriend and I are going to skip the entire 5K in a week and a half, just to see if we can do it. The furthest I have ever skipped before was a mile. I still have not signed up for a triathlon yet: I'm moving somewhere this summer, most races are full, or they are way too expensive. I am itching to test these trained bike legs!


Spokane Al said...

You guys are going skip for the entire distance of 5K? I hope you get some pictures of that. I wonder if that will generate any soreness on newly used muscles.

Benson said...

Great food choices. carbs? I find my diet is 70% carbs. Re: 4400 swim and being tired... 4400 is a boat load of yards after being snowed-in and swimless. swimming is something one has to keep a feel for on a regular basis. there are very few substitutes for swimming. the next couple of pool sessions will gradually feel better.
skipping sounds like a ton of fun.