3 March
Rest--My legs begged for a day off, which was nice since it was Shabbat.
Shabbat--Today I read Haftarah at the shacharit service. Afterward someone in the congregation came up to me and told me I did a great job. I was totally surprised! I chant Torah, Haftarah, and lead tefillah all the time in services, and this time wasn't anything special. This wonderful person discovered my dream to become a rabbi, and she told me that I have "such an awesome stage presence on the bimah!" That TOTALLY made my entire day!
Purim--This is one of my favorite holidays. I sang in the musical that the 'gogue puts on every year. I also baked a TON of hamantaschen. Sometimes Jews are too boring, their traditions and such. Typical flavors include apricot, prune, poppy seed, and chocolate. My hamantaschen are different: chocolate mocha, cheesecake, apple pie, mixed nut and honey, raspberry, and cinnamon crunch. YUM! Hamantaschen don't have any calories if they're eaten on Purim.
The Shushan Dimension (I'm in the brown body suit and hotpants!)
The Shushan Dimension singing "Chag Purim"
Steph's secret hamantaschen recipe!
Those hamantaschen look yummy! Thanks for sharing your pictures!
If only hamantaschen fit nicely into bento boxes or fuel belts...they'd be the perfect energy bar, especially with flavors like chocolate mocha and apple pie!
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