Thursday, March 01, 2007


1 March

Swim: 4400 yd
Swim--Lots of breaststroke and fly drills and kicking.

Exhaustion--I am so tired, I can't stand it. No clue why. Barely made it through swim practice.

Nutrition--My diet has been pretty good over the past few weeks: eating lots of colorful plants, a good balance of protein sources (low-fat/fat free dairy, nuts and seeds, fish, soy, beans), lots of liquids, balanced smaller meals with healthy snacks. This is also the most I have ever weighed in my life (126 lbs for 5'4"). This morning my scale also registered 17% body fat. I am definitely NOT trim right now, even though I've been working out pretty regularly. What gives??

1 comment:

Members of the Data Revolution said...

What scale are you using that gives body fat percentages? How accurate does it claim to be?