Friday, May 11, 2007


11 May

Bike: 17.7 mi
Bike--A Tale of Two Bikes

LUCKY--The son-of-a-bitch road bike that I swear is out to get me (hence the irony of the name). From the first day I welcomed this bike into my home, it has been one fight after another. I have had this bike for less than a year, and I have fixed at LEAST 20 flats (some on a trainer!), waterbottle cages, innumerable chain problems, breaking the rear derailleur, and more. Much more. I have checked the rim, tire pressure, the surface upon which I was riding, the tire, EVERYTHING. My front tire flatted out today while going 25 mph. I rode less than 3 miles before the blowout. The last straw. I went home to ride...

SPOOKY--Ah, SPOOKY! My beloved mountain bike! He makes mountain goats look like hobos. Today we had fun frolicking through the forest, streams, sand, mud, vines, dirt! We had a GREAT time after grounding LUCKY! It's a sign... I think the majority of my training is going to be on my FAVORITE bike.

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