Friday, May 04, 2007

Swim, Core

3 May

Swim: 4900 yd
Swim--Oh man, I went to masters swimming, and he killed us. I wasn't quite up to the "gold" lane just yet, but my coach allowed me to do a "silver+" version, only 5-10 seconds slower than the gold. Then a gold person wanted to share my lane and promptly proceeded to kick my butt.

Nutrition--I need some main dish/protein vegetarian ideas. I eat a LOT of black beans, nuts, dairy foods, salmon, pre-made soy frozen foods. (Eggs are not my favorite.) Possibilities are different kinds of fish (the kosher ones), tofu, different kinds of beans, exploring different ethnic foods. Most of the foods I eat are plants, but it's nice to have a variety on the dinner plate.

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