Tuesday, May 22, 2007


22 May

Rest--I passed my first certification exam!!! I studied my brains out for that thing (600 pages of details in 2 weeks, since that's all the time they gave me!). I also had zero food in this apartment, so a trip to the store was necessary.

Time for Shavuot and some crazy Torah study!!! Chag sameach!!


Benson said...

CONGRATS! was there ever any doubt? NO.
Yeah, take a rest would ya. reading all that you've done lately made me tired too. love the beach x-training routines.

E-Speed said...

just getting caught up over here. Love all the fun photos! You just never slow down!

Congrats on the exam!

Benson said...

Hello? it's June and school's out isn't it? where are you? miss you.

TRI Vortex said...

Congrats on passing! I know it's late, but it's better than never.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Way to see it through.

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