Tuesday, April 10, 2007


7 April

Rest--Joan and I went to the University of Maryland, where Joan applied for graduate school. It was freezing, but we had a great time. She really, really deserves to go there. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

Fun--Then we went bowling in the evening after Shabbat was over. Joan bowled a 130! Again, pics will be posted later. Much fun was had!

Whoa, part II

Aw, isn't this adorable!

Wow, who knew nature could be so mysterious?

I wish this tree was Colin!

Look, a huge distracting thing!

STRRRRRIKE! (She bowled a 130!)

Why do I look so stupid? Can't help it. We had fun!

Kicking butt and taking names!

1 comment:

E-Speed said...

I love the photo of you kissing the tree. You should have that one printed and framed. Perhaps put on a wall along with your artistic flowered tree ones. So nice!