Tuesday, April 10, 2007


10 April

Run: 3 mi (?)
Bike: 40 min (?)
Run--I really don't know how far I ran, but 3 mi sounds good. I didn't wear a watch. Running for the sake of running, which was fine by me!

Bike--I followed up with a spin-out on LUCKY on the trainer after returning home. Mean Girls was playing yet again.

Food--Passover is OVER! I am sad that the holiday is over, but matzah was starting to do a number to my body. Time to achieve balance again.

Thoughts--I was thinking again about the 10 miler last week. I no longer feel disappointment. I am actually happy that through the winter months in the midst of wrapping up my graduate thesis work, the fact that I ran only 14 seconds slower than my time last October really proves my training meant something. The fact that I am somewhat disappointed in my time shows that I still have something to prove. That will be the spark to fuel my more aggressive tri and running training after Boston! I will be faster!

Motivation--No, the past week is not the schedule of a marathon runner, particularly one who is running Boston on Monday. I don't regret it at all, actually. I feel grounded in Judaism and my observance, which takes priority over everything. I wanted to hang out with my friend who visited all the way from South Dakota, the motherland. I really, really, really wanted to earn my masters degree!!!! Boston isn't going to be the fastest marathon ever, but it certainly will be satisfying.

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