1 April
Run: Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run
Run--1:13:12 total time, 7:19 total pace. Frustrated is a good word for how I feel about this race. I just started way too far in the back of my corral. BUT it was GREAT to meet up with a fellow MCRRC runner and blogger! Give him a huge shout-out!
Lessons from the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run
1) If the corral is huge (i.e. 4000 people), start at the FRONT
2) Assume people are too stupid to seed themselves in the corral (including myself)
3) Being patient really isn't efficient for a 10 mile race--too short of a distance
4) It's really, really, really hard to make up time in a 10 mile race
5) Eat more for breakfast
6) Bring an extra shirt for after the race--brrrr!
7) If you start too far back, you'll be passing people continuously for 8 miles in a 10 mile race
8:06 (1.1 mi, 5K split 23:42)
6:24 (0.9 mi)
1:29 (0.2 mi, 10K split 45:56)
5:59 (0.8 mi or 7:28 mi, not sure why this mile was slow)
Get psyched for the race!
I guess you did hear me! It was great seeing you. I agree that the corrals were too "thick" at the start. Ten miles is also too short a distance to make up a lot of time.
"4) It's really, really, really hard to make up time in a 10 mile race" I learned this lesson at CRIM. It is ridiculous how much time you can lose at the beginning of a ten mile run if you start too far back. I have never run a good ten mile race, and I am sure this is part of the reason why.
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