Monday, October 09, 2006


9 Oct

Run: 15 mi
Run--This is the last hard week before MCM. No more important, no less important than any other hard week so far. Pace avg was about 8:40, which was a bit too fast than I wanted to run, but whatever. I passed a man walking an apricot-colored tiny poodle. The poodle wanted to run with me! So its owner picked up his pace, and we ran together for about a mile. The man was probably in his 50's; he and the poodle had spunk! His name was Dexter, or according to his master "You're so cute!" He responds to both I was told. It was really nice to run with them. Overall though, an uneventful run with some minor stomach problems, but it's nice to know a 15 mile run won't destroy me this late in the game.

Core--No, I didn't do any core today. I am having some huge problems controlling these bad stomach feelings/pains. Maybe I should start doing abs/back in the morning so my run doesn't interfere with my strength training. My GI system is NOT the boss of me!!!

Mental--Grad school is hard. It's also hard not to be distracted by the local library. Some good reads: Tuesdays with Morrie, 5 People You'll Meet in Heaven, The Radioactive Boy Scout, The Sunflower. Next up, Radiation Shielding, Laser Safety, and Nuclear Engineering. WOO HOO!!!

Motivation--I update my TNT page every once in a while, and I track my mileage from the day I committed to the TEAM through today. I'm not sure it matters to most people, but maybe some people are pleased that I put the rubber to the road on a regular basis. My passion for helping people, especially cancer patients, goes hand-in-hand with my passion for running.


Jeremy said...

I love meeting new people while I'm running. Doesn't happen much around here.

Glad your training is going well.

I like your TNT page, I really want to get more precise in logging my mileage.

Sam & Stacey said...

I'll recommend "The Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak... and "The Time Traveller's Wife" (can't remember the author).