Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Run, Swim

26 Sept

Run: 8.5 mi
Swim: 4200 yd
Run--Wow, it was beautiful outside! Today was a somewhat easy day, so I didn't wear my watch out on the trail. My legs were really tired for some weird reason.

Swim--After practice, my "lane-mates" and I had an altercation about how fast we think the intervals should be. I am by far the slowest one in my lane (for freestyle), and I would prefer to swim last and have little or NO rest between intervals. The faster swimmers would rather swim slower and still have a long rest interval. That makes no sense to me. For me, my swimming developed by leaps and bounds after I moved to a faster lane and struggled to meet the times. We're not going to get any better or faster if we swim slowly and have lots of rest. Grrr! Maybe it's time for me just to move up to the next faster lane and shut up!

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