Monday, September 04, 2006


4 Sept

Run: 6.5 mi
Run--Oh my goodness, I cannot describe how ridiculously tired I was today. I slept for 7 hours or so last night, but trying to wake up--and stay awake!--took an absurd amount of energy. I could muster the energy for only a short run today. Yesterday my IT band was giving me some problems toward the end of the race, but luckily I could run on the left side of the road. Today my IT band hurt a bit on the way home, but it feels fine now.

Health--My PMS symptoms are predictable, but still debilitating: low energy, tender knee tendons, some abdominal pain during the first 20 minutes of every run, incredible hunger. Drinking lots of water and holding off on the crazy, long runs seems to do decrease the effect of the symptoms. Maybe I'll hop on the bike this week!

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