Wednesday, December 13, 2006


13 Dec

Swim: 3000 yd
Swim--The swim was Pathetic. Yes, with a capital P. Even making into the pool today was a good thing. I have negative energy right now.

Energy--The energy I have in any given day is dependent on two factors: what I CAN control and what I CANNOT control. What I CAN control: fluid intake, sleep, foods, how I use my time/limiting distractions. What I CANNOT control: weather (esp. cloudy weather), hormones, 10000 lbs of health physics problems every other day. I have been focusing on the things I cannot control rather than the things I can. It's time to flip it around. Now! All of my greatest role models have a boatload of discipline in many aspects of their lives. It's time for me to learn something from them.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to know you think other people have "boatloads" of discipline - I certainly am trying to take my inspiration from you! Great idea, focusing on what you can control.

I kind of had a zen like thought the other week which has helped lots (along the same lines - other people might think it's pathetic, but it's working for me). Here goes... "You can't control your feelings, but you can control your actions". E.g. 'I really feel like another piece of chocolate' (acknowledge wanting the chocolate), but I can control whether or not I take another piece. Likewise, 'I really don't feel like going for my workout' - ack the feelings, and go out anyway! It's working wonders for me! :) Might get a bit harder as my body gets used to me tricking it :)

Hope that makes sense!

Steph said...

Hey Ann!

I have no idea if you're going to back and read this comment or not, but I really like your zen-like thought!

That's a good idea, esp when lazy-like tendencies sound quite enticing! Time to fight back.

Happy new year!