Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bike, Run, Strength, Core

21 February

Bike AM: 28 mi (2 hr)
Run PM: 10 mi (hills)
Strength: legs
Core: 15 min
Bike--2 hrs in the morn on the trainer. I need a new saddle. Enough said.

Run--1 mi WU, 8 x THE HILL, 1 mi cool. THE HILL is just over 0.5 mi, and it's tough! I decided to run THE HILL instead of the Wed night track workout with MCRRC. Last time I checked, Boston has hills.

Strength--The huge blow-up exercise ball is the greatest piece of training equipment ever invented. I LOVE this thing. My legs are destroyed after using this ball.

Race--The running clubs in the MD/VA/DC region are holding their championship this weekend, a 10 miler in Columbia, MD. The website warns of hills! This is my first real race of the winter/spring 2007 season. It's a practice session for the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Race.

1 mi WU, 9:16
0.5 mi up/down, 3:52/4:26
1 mi cool, 8:41

Some of these should be donated to science (only 8 pair of running shoes!)

PLEASE call me out--this mileage isn't going to cut it...


Lesser is More said...

Be careful with those hills. I ran several high school cross country meets in that area and they can be pretty tough. Just do your best to scout out the course and don't push too hard on the hills too soon. And don't worry about the mileage, sometimes a little rest is good for the body ;) Good luck!

Faithful Soles said...

I'm in Houston, ran along the tow path in Baltimore once, absolutely beautiful. Your blog has some great info. I am going to start training form a half-Ironman later this year and will be doing my first 50 miler in December. If you get a chance, please visit my running web site, Faithful Soles. I have a categorized and searchable Running Blog Database on there and would appreciate it if you would link your blog to it.