Sunday, February 04, 2007


4 February

Swim: 1000 yd
100IM--PR! I swam a 1:29 for 100yd. I think I can swim even faster though.

200 Fly--DQ, but I am not disappointed. I was so incredibly nervous before my event, but I stepped up on the blocks and took off. My arms stayed on, and even felt good! Too bad I flutter kicked 30 feet from the last wall! Oh well, a goal for next time. I am NOT intimidated, and that swim was a great lesson.

Steph at the meet


Spokane Al said...

Congratulations Steph! Way to go.

Old School Runner said...


You have been on a tear recently! 5 PRs at the track last week, and then another at the pool! I know you're going to crush Boston!