Thursday, February 15, 2007


15 February

Bike AM: 15 mi (1 hr)
Bike PM: 30 mi (2 hr)
Bike--Garrison Keillor is the best way to endure any trainer ride.

Frozen--I usually go to masters swim practice on Thursdays, but my car was literally frozen to the parking lot asphalt. I have no idea how to pry my car free, which makes me somewhat paranoid. I can't even back my car out because the wall of snow left by the plow is rock solid and will crush my bumper. That stuff isn't moving. Gotta love ice-on-snow-turned-to-ice-and-then-covered-in-sleet. Tomorrow I'm taking boiling water to the ice to free the tires and hubcaps, at least. Maybe I can find some sand or dirt...

Wheels stuck in the ice-snow-ice-sleet-snow-ice

You said it! (from this website)


Tri-Dummy said...

Stumbled onto your's great!

Good luck getting your car out...I live in Nebraska (35" of snow so far this winter) so you'll be getting no pity from me! :)

Loved that you ran the USMC Marathon...Ooooh Raaaaah.

Jay aka: Tri-Dummy

i am Susan said...

Oh No!! Here in Calgary we we had a really cold week and a lot of snow dumped on us, but now we have a chinook and everything is melting fast.
Good luck with the boiling water...hopefully that'll work.

Benson said...

Hey Steph, Tri-Dummy and Susan, Lucky you have snow, probably too much. I'm suffering in central MN right now with barely 6 inches on the ground and I'm trying to train for a 50K ski race. Good thing I have my tri workouts to fall back on but I really do love xc skiing. you?