Friday, February 23, 2007

Run, Bike, Core

23 February

Run: 8.5 mi
Bike: 32 mi (2 hr)
Core: 25+ min
Run--Windy but beautiful! I will take sunny and freezing over cloudy and warmer temps anyday! I decided just to run for the sake of running. (Time was 1:09, or 8:12 pace, though.)

No Cancer!--I had a few tongue biopsies, and the first few didn't turn out so great. So they cut some more off, and they got it all. Whew, because I was afraid they were going to keep cutting until there wasn't much left!

Thesis and Reward--I wrote 50 pages of my thesis over the past few days, in addition to finishing my last two final exams for this masters program. To celebrate, I am totally going to IKEA tomorrow and eating a cinnamon bun!!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!


Spokane Al said...

Good Lord! I missed the parts about your tongue biopsies - and am glad to hear that things went well.

Congratuations on plugging away towards your thesis. I remember those days. It kinda reminds me of running a marathon - the end is so near and yet so far.

Chris said...

I was looking for a bulletin board of DC runners who might have posted which trails are miraculously cleared now and which are still covered in rocky snow...and I stumbled on your blog. You have some impressive goals! The world of blogging is new to me. I think I'm going to steal some of your ideas - hope you don't get mad.

And I never found the bulletin board. I'll be taking my 20 tomorrow on the streets of suburban Fairfax. The soccer moms send their best.