Monday, February 26, 2007


26 February

Run: 6 mi
Run--J FSFJ90 )#)r )i)(#)$&@)#*@_ U403 FEA FDSFDAFDSAF 09FI09IA0 KF32!!!! BAH! I wanted to do a long run today since yesterday was snowed out, but it just didn't happen. I ran to school and the hospital the morning to get some work done, and then ran home. Then I continued on through the neighborhoods. My stomach and head felt like garbage, and my shoes and socks were soaked from the melting snow. It was just very frustrating.

Motivation--I need to pull my head out of my ... I am running the Boston Marathon in a few weeks, for crying out loud! I love running, so it's really, really weird that I had such a crappy running day today.


Members of the Data Revolution said...

Good luck in Boston! If I get motivated and go sub 3.20at NY I'll see you there in 2008.

Spokane Al said...

With Boston coming up its good that you are getting the crappy runs out of your system now.

You will be ready to rock when Patriot's Day rolls around.