Friday, February 16, 2007


16 February

X-Train: 2 hrs
X-train--Yes, my car is FREE from the icy grips of winter!!! It only took 2 hours, 20 pots of boiling water, a bag of salt, 2 ice chippers, and 4 people! I immediately drove to the story to buy anti-icing stuff and a heavy duty ice chipper. Of course, there is no anti-icing stuff for about a 300 mi radius, and the hardware store jacked the price for the ice chipper up to $40! No way man! But clearing out a parking spot in my lot was necessary (as I am leaving tomorrow night to take my youth group skiing for the weekend, and I MUST get out). I ended up paying over $40 for a big bag of sand, a shovel, and a weird hand-held garden tool thing. I spent another 2 hours hacking away at the ice in a parking space so it was completely asphalt. My work here is done.

Weird garden tool

Expertly demonstrating proper smashing technique

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