Sunday, February 11, 2007


10 February

Run: 13.6 mi
Body--I went to bed at 9:30 Fri night and didn't wake up until noon on Saturday. I feel completely fine except for this completely overwhelming fatigue. It's scary because I have never felt that tired before in my entire life.

Run--Needless to say, the run didn't go very well yet again. Managed to run 8:01 pace (total time 1:49:05), though the target was 7:45. Maybe next week? First, I need to figure out what in the heck is causing this extreme tired feeling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. S, it was a real thrill when you shouted "Hi!" at me on the CCT (about 1:30pm Saturday, near milepost 7) ... I was bonking due to not eating or drinking enough during the previous 16 miles (my pace slipped from ~11 min/mi to ~13 min/mi --- if you can believe anybody can go that slowly) and meeting you was a nice boost ... you looked strong ... btw, did you notice the guys playing hockey on the frozen C&O Canal? (^_^)