Monday, August 14, 2006


14 Aug

Bike: 26 miles
Bike--A friend and I biked through the Shenandoah National Park in two sections. First section: rode down 600 ft for 2.5 miles, then climbed about 1100 ft over next 4 miles, then rode back. Second section: small rollers for 14 miles. I rode LUCKY, my friend rode his hybrid. We weren't out to break any world records today. But we had fun, and it was beautiful at the park.

Injury--This was NOT something I needed to do for my calf (there's a theme here...). My plan for tonight is to clean everything up, ice my leg, elevate it, drink a TON of water, and go to bed. I did stretch it out several times during the day today, and I will stretch it tomorrow as well. I am not in any condition to do hills or speedwork, but slow running seems to be ok. Again, cycling needs to go on the backburner for now.

Adam, his bike, me, my LUCKY on Mt Marshall summit, VA

Steph and LUCKY in the midst of the Shenandoah Valley!

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