Friday, August 18, 2006


18 Aug

Run: 6.5 mi (33 min hills)
Run--Today's run brought back the confidence! The hills were tough, but having the vision of the finish line at Marine Corps suddenly dwarfed the size and length of the hills. Nothing like practicing for that victory lap! The calf is feeling a lot better, which is surprising given the hill workout. Steph *hearts* hills.

Rest--The last complete rest day was 9 August. The next rest day is tomorrow! The week rounds out with 56 miles of running over 4 days combined with a speed workout and some crazy swims. Tomorrow is a day of drinking a lot of fluids, resting, stretching, and strategizing for the next few weeks. Some key "progress report" races are coming up. Good thing is, my body is tired and not broken, and my mind is still super motivated to train. Less than 10 weeks until the marathon!

Mental--Wow, my brain was about to explode from cabin fever! So the best remedy was to visit a museum! The Hirschhorn was calling my name, and I saw an exhibit I had wanted to see for some time. I was completely blown away, and the Hirshhorn retains its status as my favorite museum in Washington DC. Well done!

1 comment:

Spokane Al said...

Wow, you are definitely putting in the miles of training. The Marine Corp Marathon always appealed to me as just a magnificant event, traveling around our nation's most famous monuments, and I am sure you will have an outstanding, memorable race.

I also want to wish you luck towards qualifing for Boston. That is another of my goals, and I hope you achieve yours.

P.S. Your swimming is monumental as well!