Tuesday, August 08, 2006


8 Aug

Run: 15 mi
Run--I was supposed to run 23 miles today. I made it to 11, then I felt a twinge in my right knee (go figure). I finished running to the turn-around point, started on my way back, then the pain escalated. Luckily I was close enough to a Metro stop, so I called it a day, packed it in, and rode the Metro back to Bethesda. I feel very disappointed. My cardio system wasn't taxed at all. I ran the Capital Crescent Trail down through Georgetown, to the Arlington Bridge, then I caught the Foggy Bottom/GWU stop on home.

14:47 (home to 3.5)
26:24 (3 extra miles)
4:12 (3.5-4.0)
4:14 (4.0-4.5)
4:02 (4.5-5.0)
4:07 (5.0-5.5)
4:08 (5.5-6.0)
4:01 (6.0-6.5)
4:13 (6.5-7.0)
4:09 (7.0-7.5)
4:04 (7.5-8.0)
4:11 (8.0-8.5)
4:13 (8.5-9.0)
4:13 (9.0-9.5)
4:10 (9.5-10.0)
2:34 (10.0-end of trail)
15:24 (end of trail to Arlington Bridge)
14:11 (Arlington Bridge to end of trail)
Total--2:07:23, 8:30 pace

Injury--This run wasn't the smartest idea. I am going to skip swim practice tonight, get some rest, drink water, and ice-ice-ice. It started out as a weird feeling at the very top of my calf/bottom of my hamstring. I still can't really pinpoint where the pain started. Then it blew up into full-blown ITB problems. Running on a paved trail on the right side didn't help my cause, I'm sure. Maybe I can find another path with less cant. I am nervous for this marathon now. When am I going to learn a thing or two about smart training??

Stress--Unfortunately my stress is also through the roof. My thesis is at a stalemate, my parents and sister moved away from me, I cannot describe the excruciating pain in my heart after losing my dog, all of my close friends live far away, I feel a lot of pressure for this marathon maybe because of the Team in Training component, and this knee thing makes me nervous. I need to take some time off, and tackle one problem at a time. That's the only way I can solve some of these problems. As far as the problems I can't solve, well, I'll just have to accept the fact that there are some things I can't control and move on. There! I feel better already!

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