Thursday, August 03, 2006

Swim, Run*, Plyo

3 Aug

Swim: 4000 yd
Run: 1 mi
Strength: left leg plyometrics, stretching both legs, pull-ups, left leg lunges
Core: 10 min
Injury--right knee feels a LOT better, but still not 100%. I am going to run on it tomorrow, but biking is still out of the question for sure. The knee seemed ok on the 1 mi treadmill test*, but it was only at 9:00 pace. Ice, stretching, and rest tonight just to make sure. Concentrating on my left leg seems to be a good idea.

Swim--LOTS of IM practice. I need to work on my fly kick a lot more: dolphin kick/breast pull-out works really well. The freestyle pull is REALLY coming along. If I concentrate on sighting correctly and think about pulling nice and smooth, the swim in the next two triathlons should go very well.

Nutrition--I don't know what's going on, but I am eating like a horse. It's downright scary. Plan for tomorrow: write down everything I plan to eat and when I am going to eat it. If I do that, it's much easier to stick to the plan then try to retrospectively write down everything I already ate.


Steven said...

Hi Steph,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your training tips.
Good luck to you as you train!
Looks like you are doing very well.

Jeremy said...

Hi Steph,

Thanks for coming through my blog as well. I wish there was a way to reply to your post specifically, but I don't know how to do that without sending you an email.

Glad you training is going well. Sounds like you're a much better swimmer than I've ever hoped to be.

I wouldn't worry about the eating. I've always fed myself based on what my body asked me for. So, if I'm hungry, I eat.