Wednesday, August 09, 2006


9 Aug

Injury--I iced this bizzo a few times today for about 20 minutes at a time. I iced my ITB and my hamstring on my right leg. Today is the icing day, tomorrow is 1/2 ice, 1/2 stretch (afternoon). Definitely no running until Saturday at the SOONEST! I had to learn a thing or two about patience today, that's for sure.

Mental--Wow, it was hard to take today off. It was SOOOO nice outside, and all I wanted to do was ride LUCKY! It was harder to know that my Team in Training buddy run was today too. BUT I will come back stronger. Plus I have masters swimming tomorrow (probably IM stuff), and I will allow myself to hit the weight room. Today was more of a precautionary day. I also forced myself to sit down for a while and work on this thesis! I did manage to write a few pages, and I actually feel a lot better because I devoted today to thesis work. Also, to keep my mind and attitude focused, I made a list of events I am looking forward to including some sick mountain biking, my parents visiting, a friend coming to DC, some lake swims, and some other stuff. I'm excited for graduate school to be over so I can have some (more) letters after my name!

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