Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Swim, Strength

22 Aug

Swim: 4500 yd
Strength: biceps, tri, shoulders, legs
Swim--Swimming 5000 yd would have been ideal, but two new girls showed up today who couldn't do fly or breaststroke. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time talking about the strokes instead of actually swimming them. *sigh.* Oh well, 4500 yd for an IM day is still pretty good. Hopefully they remember how to (somewhat) do all of the strokes. They were both triathletes who have never swam IM before. During my first masters swim practice, I felt the same way, except I was a LOT slower!

Strength--Legs are still a bit sore from yesterday's run, but feel pretty good overall.

Training Plan--At first I micromanaged myself and had each run mapped out on my training calendar. But I found that I am MUCH happier and MUCH more likely to actually follow my training plan if I have "weekly" goals instead. For example: one rest day, two strength/core sessions, 8000 yd swimming, one double-digit run in the middle of the week, one speed session, total mileage around 55 miles. The flexibility is GREAT, and the goals are achievable. I find I don't freak out over workouts as much anymore.

Progress--I like experimenting with training plans. This year I really wanted to try out this triathlon stuff and find out if I could use that as a good base for marathon training. Seems to be ok so far. The only problem was I kept injuring myself on my bike. If I qualify for Boston, I am going to cut my (running) mileage WAAAAAY back and focus on shorter, faster races. I would like to try that run-3-times-a-week training plan that Runner's World put out, just to see what it's all about. I can do a good tempo run on a treadmill. I can't run 5 days in a row on a treadmill or I'll go postal. I am also going to buy a bike trainer and go NUTS this winter (and I have Netflix)! I'm so psyched! My A race for next spring/summer is going to be the Eagleman 1/2 Ironman, just to try it out. And then the Air Force is going to move me to my next mysterious location! Hopefully my mileage via Eagleman will help me run a blazing fall marathon in 2007. My body is still maturing, and I want to be patient while I am trying to cut some more minutes off my marathon best. Maybe someday I'll run a 100 mile week, but it won't be anytime soon, that's for sure. Patience will pay off! No fear in training!

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