Wednesday, August 30, 2006


30 Aug

Run: 13 mi
Core: 11 min
Run--60 min on my own through the beautiful streets of Bethesda, 6 miles with Team in Training, 1 more mile on home. The weather was BEAUTIFUL: light mist/sprinkle, low(er) temperatures, cloudy. It was so perfect! And I made friends with the cutest orange cat. (All I could picture in my mind was putting objects on that silly cat.) Haha! He/she didn't seem to mind my sweat too much. Easy weeks are the BEST! I really hope to rock the 15K this weekend.

Core--9 x 1:10 of abs/oblique/back exercises.

Mental--ALL day today I learned about neutrons. I worked on a crazy problem set for nuclear engineering for about 7-8 hours. But to balance it out I also watched my new Netflix movie Bring It On: All or Nothing! Oh man, who needs a lobotomy when we have cheerleading movies! No, I liked the first two Bring It On movies, but this one was beyond dumb. But entertaining, so I'll keep it for a few days!

Picture--Here's a picture from the IronGirl triathlon. I have NO clue what my hair and my lower jaw are doing. I don't really look like that! Oh well, it was a really fun race and a hard effort. A great end to my first triathlon season! I can't wait for next summer!

Steph and LUCKY after the IronGirl triathlon!


E-Speed said...

Will JFK be your first Ultra too? It is coming up pretty fast!

Spokane Al said...

Steph, great post and great picture.

I admit I had not heard of the movie you talked about and after reading your words I looked to add it to my Netflix queue. I was thinking it might be sports related and motivational, but found out it really truly is a cheerleading movie, about cheerleaders! You got me on that one. So I will pass.