Thursday, August 31, 2006


31 Aug

Swim: 4500 yrd
Swim--A weird combination of IM, fly drills, and a long freestyle set. The whole workout really had me confused. And it took a long time! At least it was fun. Especially the fly drills and sets.

Other--I managed to finish all of my nuclear reactor homework before the weekend, and we don't have much to do in the lasers class! Provided Ernesto doesn't wreck havoc on the eastern seaboard, this is going to be a pretty good weekend. I also made a completely delicious loaf of bread today. It is super tasty! A friend gave me his secret recipe, and it took me 8 hours to make it. I woke up at 5:15 this morning to start it, came home on my lunch break, and finished it just before swim practice. Maybe it tastes so good because it took such a long time to make.

Inspiration--Wow, bloggers are going NUTS over IM Wisconsin for next year given the contest that just came out. It's crazy! I can't even comprehend the training for an Ironman, let alone the pain that a race like that would require!!! Someday... but not any day soon, that I can promise!

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