Saturday, August 26, 2006

Run, Bike

26 Aug

Run: 14 mi
Bike: 17.7 mi
Run--I know what you're thinking. No, running and riding isn't exactly the best pre-race tri strategy! TNT hosted a run at Carderock, and it was the last long run with the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathoners. Some of the 1/2-ers are on my team, so it was nice to wish them well. The trail was pretty rocky, and I definitely felt it in my lower legs. Originally I wanted to run 16 to round out my week at 60 miles, but the wiser, more mature Steph decided that with the cycling and the race tomorrow, 14 was good enough.

Bike--I rode my bike from Bethesda down to the run. Wow, there is some good cycling out on MacArthur Blvd. My legs were pretty tired riding (uphill) back home. I sure hope this triathlon goes well tomorrow! Marathon's only 9 weeks away...!

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