Friday, August 04, 2006

Run, X-train, Strength

4 Aug

Run: 4.5 mi (8:27 pace)
X-train: elliptical for 20 minutes
Strength: pull-ups/negatives, triceps, lats, shoulders
Core: 10 min (more push-ups and back exercises)
Injury--I would say it's 90% better. One more day off, maybe a swim, some more stretching, and some ice will take care of this knee problem for good. Thank goodness it's only a sprint this weekend! Running doesn't bother it too much, but we'll see how the bike goes. At least it'll be fun, and I know when to back off. The oly tri's are over; these last few tri's are just the icing on the cake.

Nutrition--Exercise during lunch time has never worked for me, but sometimes I'm just limited on time. Breakfast: heart-healthy bisquick pancakes (w/ extra egg, wheat germ, and walnuts), syrup and margarine. Mid-morning snack: 25 green grapes, 16oz orange juice, and 4oz cottage cheese. Then I went to the gym and STARVED! Lunch: HUGE, GLORIOUS salad with beans, cheese, all kinds of veggies, seeds. The pancakes did make me feel full longer though, perhaps the extra egg and walnuts. Yum! Shabbat dinner at a friend's house tonight.

Training--I think I may have found a bike buddy!!! She's brand new to the area, she's also a military person, she loves triathlon, and she just joined our masters swim team. I have been looking for someone to ride with (16-18mph) for months! I really hope this works out. She's very nice, and we're going to do IronGirl together. It'll be nice to finally know someone at a triathlon! My Team in Training peeps are also doing IronGirl, but I think at a more leisurely pace. My new training pal and I are going to tear it up in a few weeks!

Financial--It's not secret that triathlon and race entry fees will break the bank. I've been taught that savings/investments/setting yourself up financially comes FIRST, and then from what's left, a budget can be created. My personal rule of thumb is that before I buy a piece of equipment (this was especially true for the bike I bought last April), the amount I will spend on a piece of equipment must be 10% or less compared to the money I saved. I told myself I had to save $15,000 before I will let myself buy a bike for $1500, and I did it. I really think I enjoy my bike a lot more because of it, and I got exactly what I wanted. I want to buy a bike trainer for this winter, and I plan to spend around $250, which means I have to save at least $2500. So the total amount I have to save is $2750 by the time I will let myself buy the trainer. I have to wait a bit longer to buy what I want, but at the same time, I could easily see myself going nuts in the tri stores in the DC area!

1 comment:

Shaun said...

Hey there. Thanks for the message you left the other day.
I'm always looking for new people to ride and run with. Most of the time, I train over on the Columbia tri course.

Good luck at IronGirl. I'll be working one of the water stations on the run course. You can't miss me, I'll be the cowboy at the Village People station. :)