Thursday, August 24, 2006


24 Aug

Run Noon: 5 mi
Run Eve: 6 mi
Run Noon: 1 mi WU, 3.5 race, 0.5 cool. Race was on the NNMC base at noon, which was so ridiculously hot and sunny. The course was fun though! I had some SEVERE stomach pain/issues. I was about to cry. Later, that same pain knocked me out for 3 hours in the afternoon. Pace was 7:15 (25:21 for 3.5 mi).

Run Eve: Mini-track session with the MD TNT Team. We warmed up and did 6x800 on the track and then cooled down. Also the mountain bike takes me from point A to point B (and C, D, etc).


Nutrition--I am eating everything in sight, and I have the hugest craving for beef. I am not kidding! After every run my body wants to eat the entire side of a cow. But I don't cook meat or have it in my house, which poses a problem! I don't exactly know how many calories I have been eating, but I bet it's over 3000. I hate to say it, but I actually want my metabolism to slow down. Next week is an easy week, so I'll have time to take it easy.

Rest--I can't sleep well at night, maybe because of the heat or because I'm exercising (and eating!) too close to bedtime. I'm almost pretty high strung from working on my thesis. I need to figure out a way to chill out. Maybe drinking a lot of fluids before I go to bed will help. How about a mountain biking magazine!

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