Monday, August 07, 2006


7 Aug

Run: 6 mi easy
Run--Whoa, I am definitely not feeling 100% yet. I was having cramps like it was my job. Drinking water and taking one more day easy will be ok, maybe I can get back on track tomorrow. I'm not sure what's up. The right knee is feeling a little funny, but it seems to be fine for running. There was a torrential downpour right in the middle of my run, but it's ok. It was on my way back, and I felt a little bit hard core! Yeah!

Goals--I was thinking about how fun triathlon is during my run today. I love the olympic distance much more than sprint distance for sure. I even like the longer bike distance (*gasp*). I would love to race a 1/2 Ironman since I love running the 1/2 marathon, and I would also really love to try an off-road triathlon! I have this sick mountain bike, and I would love to race this thing! Definitely I am not even thinking of doing an Ironman, especially since I am so new to this sport, and I think I would like to give myself an opportunity to try to excel at this olympic distance. My learning curve is still pretty steep! And I did have a lot of fun at that distance.

Training/Progress--even though I still have one more triathlon left, it is now time for me to switch 100% to marathon training. I can't afford any more stupid bike injuries, and I'd rather ride my bike to augment my marathon training rather than train on the bike to get better at the bike. I'll do that this winter. I find I my chance for injury are MUCH less when I'm not riding the silly thing; LUCKY is like a flipping bucking bronco. I just don't want to mess with that thing right now. Plus I really enjoy running a LOT! Swimming, also, is just going to supplement my running. I'll concentrate on some late winter/spring swim meets after the marathon. I have some key races coming up pretty soon too: Greenbelt 15K which is a FANTASTIC race. I'd like to run a respectable time at the Army Ten Miler as well. These are races I am actually going to race instead of just run at a tempo pace with the intent of running 10 miles more after returning home (which I did at both of my half marathons earlier this summer). The strength and core training is here to stay! 2 times a week minimum was a great goal, and I have been sticking to it for a while now. I feel much stronger. I'm still on my quest for 10 pull-ups in a row.

Nutrition--I have been eating like a hog again, but I think it's because of crazy girl hormones. It's under control, and I'm ok with eating a bazillion calories in one day in a blue moon. But I can recognize that, and I'm back to normal. Tonight is a night of water and fluids. I haven't gained any weight (I may have even lost 1-2 lbs). Now that the tri training is pretty much over and I incorporate more tempo/interval/long runs in my schedule, it should be ok.

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