Monday, August 21, 2006


21 Aug

Run: 16.5 mi (2:08:27)
Run--I didn't do a long run this weekend because Joy was visiting, and I wanted to do a long tempo/marathon pace run anyway. My pace ended up being 7:47 (even with a 9:00 first mile). I didn't drink any Gatorade or eat any gels during the run, just drank from water fountains along the way through Rock Creek Park. It was still very hot (90 degrees with about 65% humidity). Splits were 1:05:14 and 1:03:13 (uphill 2nd half). I know I could not hold that pace for 10 more miles; my back was yelling at me. More core workouts! I think a Subway sandwich, lots of fluids, and some easy stretching are in my near future. Yum!

Mental--Graduate Health Physics classes started up today. I am excited because I love the structure. This will really help my thesis, and I'm very excited. Nothing like learning about nuclear reactors at 7:30 in the morning!

Strategy--I have a strategy that's constantly in my mind when I'm marathon training. This is marathon #9, but each race is so different. Here's how I like to break it up pace-wise in my mind: 10 miles, 17 miles, 20 miles, 10K. It worked like a charm during my last two races and helped me negative split both of them (although slower times, just went for the negative split). This is my first shot at a Boston qualifying time AND a negative split, and I think I can do it. I haven't nailed down my paces just yet in my mind for MCM, but I have been thinking about it. I made a pace spreadsheet that's pretty cool for determining total time by changing the paces in those increments mentioned above (if you want me to e-mail it to you, let me know, I'll be happy to do so!).

Recovery--This body can handle high mileage (as long as it's not on the Capital Crescent Trail everyday). My mind can handle high mileage too. But when I get home I make sure I stretch out really well, I walk around a lot even if I'm sore. The secret is swimming after hard runs. I learned this (on accident) after my first marathon, but I didn't do it for the next 3 and I paid the price. Then the next 4 I followed up every race with an easy swim, and it was great! I completely recovered several weeks faster. Also, I make sure I drink a lot of water and Gatorade before going to bed because sleeping totally dries me out. Keeping a waterbottle by the bed is a good idea too. I'll paraphrase what I read in an old Runner's World recently: A cool-down isn't to cool down from the race you just ran, but it's only to prepare to run hard future races. Time to chill out, catch up on some reading, and enjoy the rest of the night.

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